Physical Security Upgrade Project, Bangkok, Thailand

Physical Security Upgrade Bangkok, Thailand Client U.S. DoS – Overseas Buildings Operations Contractor Epik International Inc. Contract Type Design & Build Contract Value $18,920,000 Award September 2014 Completion June 2017 The scope of project included new Compound Access Buildings, perimeter security upgrade, new Compound Emergency Sanctuary structures, tree protection fence, new concrete and asphalt pavement, […]

Camp Alvarado Physical Security Upgrades, Kabul, Afghanistan

Camp Alvarado Physical Security Upgrades, Kabul, Afghanistan Client U.S. DoS – Overseas Buildings Operations Contractor Framaco-Epik JV Designer KCCT Architecture Contract Type Design & Build Contract Value $24,350,000 Award September 2013 Completion November 2016 Project consisted of design and construction of pre-detonation overhead steel canopies, fragment shield sidewalls, blast protection with T-walls on and around […]